Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 24

SUNDAY: Went to Garden Community Church. Reason we went is I was talking with Tami Hiebert the other day and she invited me to come on Sunday. Amazing how a personal invite can encourage a person to make a choice. I filed that away as something to make sure and do on a more regular basis. Enjoyed the service. Pastor Janzen brought a great sermon. The thought that I took home with me was "Diversity is a requirement for harmony". Comes from Ephesians 4. Ties in well to Driscoll's blog called "Weird Teams are the Best Teams".

Had 31 invites to graduation parties covering two schools and weekends. With being on sabbatical, I did not attend any graduation ceremonies or parties. This was very difficult for me. I'm a people person. I love doing stuff like that. I tend to have this complex that I need to be a part of all those things. Instead the youth leaders took my place. That is good for me. Not easy, but good. Plus, I've spent 6 years or more with some of the youth. But hopefully they know I love them. Look forward to what God has in store for their lives. Proverbs 16:9

MONDAY: More numbers on t-shirts. Exciting life, isn't it? Done with those for now though. PTL! More later this week if it rains. If the weather is nice I will be working on the garage. The forms are up. I got to dig a trench. Hope we will pour this week.

Took Sal out for supper tonight at Olive Garden. It is one of her favorite places to go. Got salad and bread sticks. Peach tea was amazing. They even put a peach slice in my drink. First time for that. We split the Tour of Italy platter. It has a sampling of Chicken Parmesan, Fettuccine Alfredo and Lasagna. The two of us can get out of there for like $20. Pretty sweet.

Then we went to the new Intrust Bank Arena for the Cavo/Lifehouse/Daughtry concert. Cavo was ok. Daughtry wasn't that impressive. Lots of sound and lights but he forgot words to the songs. Lifehouse was my favorite. Wish they could have played the majority of their songs. Since Daughtry closed, we left early and beat the thunderstorm home.

LITERATURE: The Alchemist is a must read. Took me like 4 days to down it. Made me consider what my Personal Legend is. Am I simply proud of what I have done? Am I satisfied with what I am doing? Or, am I excited and looking for what God still has for me? It always amazes me when you read a book and someone else puts into words thoughts and ideas in an organized way just like you were thinking them but didn't know how to say. My counselor Walt knows how to push the right buttons.


  1. You've made it 26 days! I pray for you guys often and think of you more. I'm so glad Sally is enjoying more of you. That is awesome! You are doing good. God, continue to bless them!!! Love you guys.

  2. If you'd had tiramisu (Sally) and lemon cream cake (Brad) for dessert, you'd have exactly the menu Ken and I ALWAYS get when we go to Olive Garden, right down to the peach tea!

    Glad you're enjoying your sabbradical. : )

